Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The Luck of the Poor

The Luck of the Poor

(response to

It amazes me at the absolute abhorrent behavior of so many judgmental people. I have been following Linda's story from the beginning and I think it is friggin awesome.  If you look up the mental diagnosis of a 'psychopath' it pretty much fits every public official and definitely the haters and nay-sayers.

Hey, if your so pissed off that the universe decided to reward someone for bearing their soul - jump on the band wagon and bear yours too (or are you afraid your life of luck and good fortune doesn't compare?). Linda deserves the reward for that which she has accomplished, she stepped up to the plate and made an effort to do something - the same thing everyone does when they go their pathetic piss poor hourly wage job - they make an effort and get paid for it.

I don't see anyone bitching about how the 1% take more from society in 5 minutes than the rest of us make in a lifetime. It's fucking incomprehensible.

So I can't get this out in any more of a coherent manner either but here's my story of luck and good fortune.

I have been lucky enough to be evicted with a dying child in a hospital because some secretary for a judge 'forgot' to make a phone call.  I have been lucky enough to have my license suspended almost every year because my life as a carpenter just won't support a family of six - let alone pay for all the fees (poor tax) involved with just being able to get to work.

I have been lucky enough to be evicted when the mobile home park I lived in was bought by out of state investors who decided that me and 65 other families living day-to-day just weren't worth the effort to accept late rent payments. (Yes I even went to court with the other 65 families and we offered to pay our rent - but Landlords have final say whether they will accept it or not)

I have been lucky enough to have 5 vehicles towed simply because I made the choice to feed my children and pay the electric bill and whatever else it took keep them alive. I am lucky enough to have been able to rack up a $24k debt when I picked myself by my boot-straps to re-educate myself after a back-surgery.

I have been lucky enough to once again have my god-given-right to travel freely to make a living usurped by a corrupt government once again because I can't the fees (poor tax).

I am lucky enough to be denied every 'livable wage' position I apply for because now I fall into that trap of over 40 -half disabled - unemployed longer than 6 months - can't pass a fair credit reporting act check to even get a job because I haven't made a payment on my $24k education to get a fucking livable wage job.

I'm a fucking adult goddammit and I deserve better than $10/hr flippin burgers or selling cheap imported shit from china for some fucking thankless billionaire at wally world.
I can't fucking wait to see what stroke of luck comes my way next.

My apologies Linda, I know you are keeping your sense of decorum but somebody has to tell these self righteous fucks just how disgusting their behavior is.

May you and your family and friends have a wonderful holiday.

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