Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dear Jake

Dear Jake,

I remember the day you were born with your umbilical cord tied around your neck , the first thing you did was pee on the doctors fancy silk tie. Ha, yeah you came into the world full of piss and vinegar. Seeing the birth of a child, especially your own is truly an amazing thing.

I remember after you were born coming home covered in metal shavings and jet fuel from building an air-craft carrier and spending an hour to clean up so I could hold you. Ah, I remember we took some good naps together little buddy.

I remember when you were 3 months old in the NICU with tubes plugged in everywhere fighting for your life from the beast of RSV. I remember we were fighting an eviction at the same time and some secretary forgot to make a phone call and we lost everything we owned. I would post your newborn picture and your footprints but some bitch landlord made sure that all that stuff went in a dumpster. She made sure she kept all our kids x-mas presents for her own kid that year though, that was for sure.

I remember what a handful you were, climbing to the tallest bookcase in head-start you could find and leaping with no fear. I remember the stitches in your nose from leaping off the bunk beds too.

I remember when we lived in Washington and us and 65 other families lost our homes one summer because some fucking land developer had better ideas. But we kept on fighting the world, your mother and I, the best we knew how.

Part of me wants to pray that the Great Creator will come and take you away from the suffering of this world, especially the part that comes during recovery. We all know the rest of the world is only concerned with how much labor we can produce to build someone else's home and fill it with fancy plastic shit. If you can't fulfill any of that, well then you get left by the wayside under a bridge somewhere (or with any luck in a basement).

The other part of me, what there is left of it; is praying that somehow I can fight my way out of this fucking depression and make it across the 2500 miles to be there with you.

Dammit Jake, now I gotta go pull myself up by the bootstraps again. Oh, wait. Some asshole called government tore the straps off my boots and shredded them as well. Looks like I'll be comin' barefoot little buddy, hang in there just a little longer.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Dear BitCoin Santa

Dear Santa Claus (The white one, the black one, any Santa of any color/race/sex/religion etc,etc...)
Please send BitCoin this year.  btc: 1M1NYFPUjJbBLqvrbHSTsDWeEL5GRfFwSD
I know I haven't been especially good this year but I haven't been especially bad either.

I want to be a part of the new digital revolution - digital currencies/maker revolution/robotics/wearable computing.

You see Santa, I happen to be one of the American 1% - the bottom 1%.  I have been fined, taxed and feed from the first day I entered the 'working class'.

Ha, the 'working class'.  I was taught in school that when you have a job there is supposed to a reward, a 'light at the end of the tunnel' so to speak.  So I built big custom homes.  I thought being a working man, a carpenter; was a respectible reputation.  Hell it's not like I made some plastic shit toy that breaks in a week.  I built built big ass houses that wil last a lifetime or even two or three lifetimes.

And in 1987 when I started as a carpenter my worth was $5/hr.  The funny thing about being a carpenter and having a crappy vehicle - You sure as hell get pulled over alot. And I have to tell you, it's expensive as FUCK to keep up with all the 'taxes' and 'madatory insurance' just to be able to be a part of the 'working class'.

Well, I know you're a busy guy/gal(who knows? maybe Mrs. Claus will help too) I don't want to bore with the rest of the details (I am sure this isn't the first story of the 'working class' you've read)

You see Mr. Santa Claus, I would love to be a part of society.  I want to be able to contribute in some way.  Just because I am half disabled and broke doesn't mean I am worthless.  I could imagine that if I had the resources, I could do all kinds of amazing things.
(parts list for amazing things -

Thanks for your time Santa,
Just Another Broke Working Class American (lookin for a free ride and a handout)
#BTC #BitCoin #Santa #Poverty

Parts List

Wish List
or  ulitmate emporer

10-20 rapberry pi computers ($25/ea) - $250/$500
20-40 for robotics stuff - $500/$1000

10-20 usb asic miners (price unknown $100/ea) - $1000/$2000 as of ‎11/‎20/‎2013
               (net diff = $592/mo return = 3weeks return)
'Compound Annual Growth Rate - CAGR'
               $592 * 12mo = $7104 (1yr)
               7104/2500 = 2.8416
               .2368 = %23 return 1yr
               $592 * 24mo = $14208 (2yr)
               14208/2500 = 5.6832
               .2368 = 23% return 2yr

16/24 port ciso router

solarpanels/batteries - enough to power raspberries

fix hp computer
               Setup & Install for HP ProLiant ML350 G4p Storage Server

               5 scsi drives $250ea - $1250($2500)
               2x 3ghz zeon w/2mb cache $500
               Dual GB NIC
               12GB RAM ECC
               2x power supply $200

3D printer(s)
               $2000 - $10000
gopro camera - $400

               Air Compressor - (600gal shop)
               Air tools - grinders - paint guns
               Snap-on Full Box - EVERYTHING
               Grinders (various) / Dremel
               All-in-One            Machine Shop / Lathe (one for wood - one for steel)

               Robotics parts
               Fabrics / circuit path inks (wearable computing)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Picking myself up by my bootstraps again - The New 'Value Based' Economy

BitCoins / The Maker Revolution /
YES !!! I want to be a part of it !!!
If you are one of the rare humans who believes that other humans have more to offer for society than a life of cheap wages and poverty this post is for you.

I have reecently stumbled into an amazing feed, it could be an amazing new world. Unfortunately I happen to be one of the 'other 1%'.

First things first. I know I am probably - more than likey - most definitely going to get flamed for days for this but screw it - I got nothin left to lose.  For those of you who want to percieve me as a beggar - go ahead (Then go flame everyone on kickstarter and gofundme).  I am the result of American trickle-down economics in a military fear mongered police state.  I am one those poor bastrds that wasted his youth thinking I would get rewarded for my hard work. LOL, the 'Amercan Dream' is a fucking lie to make us feel like we have chance. (Well, according to studies at least 8% of us do)

I have been following the Bitcoin / Maker / 'Value' based economy feeds for a while.  What an amazing concept - come up with an idea and then get help, i.e Kickstarter/GoFundMe

So here I am world. In my mid 40's living in my aunts basement. The result of constant work for low wages and a governtment that hasn't done a thing for me except make sure I am ridiculed and pushed even further into the position of not being able to help myself.  Fucking driver licenses are the greatest invention ever to subvert poor people.

Just because I'm partialy disabled and broke doesn't mean I can't contribute.  So I have a million ideas for the maker community and robots and bitcoins and all things technology.

So this is my call to the new 'Value based' economy.  My call to the makers and believers (the believers that think we are all worth something beyond 40 and 60 hours a week). My fellow 'Value economeers' - help me do something worth some value.

I have a gofundme( page started so that I can get access to all those things I need to get started and get out this rut.

What do you get out of it ???
You get the satisfaction of knowing that BTC donations go right back into the BTC community (and there just might be one more BTC mining pool starting).

You get the satisfaction of knowing that US dollars(as worthless as they are) get pumped back into the economy when I buy shit and pay bills - (And BTCers get the satifisaction of knowing theres more US dollars getting 'dumped' in favor of BTC)

Look, I have asked my own corrupt fucked up govt for help already - they told me they were having more fun spending money killing people and giving it away to bankers.

So that leaves me here - asking my fellow humans for help so that I can be worth something more than a piece of basement art.

Thanks and peace ;)

Join the bitcoin revolution -

Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Broken America

My Broken America

I used to believe in the idea of hard work, hell I believed in it so much I ended up having a back surgery. But my problems with poverty and depression started long before my injury.  This 'so-called' great country we live in is nothing more than the same old age of kings and queens that our forefathers fought so hard to escape from.

My indoctrination into this lie we call 'The American Dream' went just the way it was planned.  I believed all that bullshit I was taught in school.  One of the worst lines of bullshit ever - 'Driving is a privilege'.  <-- FUCK THIS BULLSHIT

This fucked up government we live with has spent a great deal of time and money beating the shit out of me.  I have had my 'driving privileges' taken away more times than I care to talk about.  I have had several vehicles that I 'worked' for and earned merely confiscated because I am just a low life carpenter that could never make enough money to even afford the privilege to fucking work.

According the magna-carta it is my God given right to be able to travel freely so that I can support myself.  Funny thing how our great country beats it's own citizens into poverty.

Oh well, Fuck it.  It's my own fucking fault for not being born into the land of riches.

The funny thing about all of it is, even through all the driving bullshit I continued to pay the fucking fines and fees and poor tax that go along with just trying to survive.  And I kept working and fighting just to keep my nose above water in my sinking ship of life.

It strikes me as odd how all the laborers in this great land of ours are treated like dogshit.  If it wasn't for all of us low life workers those rich fucks wouldn't be where they are today.  And yet for some reason the middle class looks down on us like the peasants of old.

Now I just sit and laugh about it.  While the great government media machine continues to pit the middle-class against the working class (Hey dummies, there is no middle-class) and pit the homophobes against the heterosexuals and pit the 'right-to-lifers' against the abortionists. Lets not even get into the constant war on drugs , war on terror and war on anything they can think of to distract us.

Yes, I am one of those low life 99%ers (Actually I am one of 99.99%ers) but that's OK.  I can see the end in sight.  50 million Americans continue to have their rights usurped and the so called 'middle-class' is right behind them.  Once the powers that be have had their way with the low life laborers they will find some way to bash the next group of 50 million into farther debt and poverty too.

So fuck it.  I have been denied my disability benefits and once again I have had my God given right to travel freely usurped once again.  This is all I have left at the moment - internet panhandling until it warms enough for me to limp my crippled ass to a corner somewhere.

Join the bitcoin revolution -

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The Luck of the Poor

The Luck of the Poor

(response to

It amazes me at the absolute abhorrent behavior of so many judgmental people. I have been following Linda's story from the beginning and I think it is friggin awesome.  If you look up the mental diagnosis of a 'psychopath' it pretty much fits every public official and definitely the haters and nay-sayers.

Hey, if your so pissed off that the universe decided to reward someone for bearing their soul - jump on the band wagon and bear yours too (or are you afraid your life of luck and good fortune doesn't compare?). Linda deserves the reward for that which she has accomplished, she stepped up to the plate and made an effort to do something - the same thing everyone does when they go their pathetic piss poor hourly wage job - they make an effort and get paid for it.

I don't see anyone bitching about how the 1% take more from society in 5 minutes than the rest of us make in a lifetime. It's fucking incomprehensible.

So I can't get this out in any more of a coherent manner either but here's my story of luck and good fortune.

I have been lucky enough to be evicted with a dying child in a hospital because some secretary for a judge 'forgot' to make a phone call.  I have been lucky enough to have my license suspended almost every year because my life as a carpenter just won't support a family of six - let alone pay for all the fees (poor tax) involved with just being able to get to work.

I have been lucky enough to be evicted when the mobile home park I lived in was bought by out of state investors who decided that me and 65 other families living day-to-day just weren't worth the effort to accept late rent payments. (Yes I even went to court with the other 65 families and we offered to pay our rent - but Landlords have final say whether they will accept it or not)

I have been lucky enough to have 5 vehicles towed simply because I made the choice to feed my children and pay the electric bill and whatever else it took keep them alive. I am lucky enough to have been able to rack up a $24k debt when I picked myself by my boot-straps to re-educate myself after a back-surgery.

I have been lucky enough to once again have my god-given-right to travel freely to make a living usurped by a corrupt government once again because I can't the fees (poor tax).

I am lucky enough to be denied every 'livable wage' position I apply for because now I fall into that trap of over 40 -half disabled - unemployed longer than 6 months - can't pass a fair credit reporting act check to even get a job because I haven't made a payment on my $24k education to get a fucking livable wage job.

I'm a fucking adult goddammit and I deserve better than $10/hr flippin burgers or selling cheap imported shit from china for some fucking thankless billionaire at wally world.
I can't fucking wait to see what stroke of luck comes my way next.

My apologies Linda, I know you are keeping your sense of decorum but somebody has to tell these self righteous fucks just how disgusting their behavior is.

May you and your family and friends have a wonderful holiday.

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