Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Futile Complaints

I read several articles today, mostly about the state of affairs in different countries and it made me think of how trivial my problems are compared to the rest of the world.

In several parts of Africa populations are experiencing genocide, the lowest level of the caste people in India are under extreme sanctions and not allowed to change their religion to escape being part of the caste system. The Mexican "guest workers" are continually ripped off by so called "job recruiters". It's not bad enough that they are so much worse off than I am, that they want to come to this country just to try to survive because they can't in their country.

And I wonder - Should I really be complaining about how bad I have it, that I have to fight my own corrupt government for my disability. Should I be complaining about how crappy my subsidized apartment is and how I have to fight the utility companies.

Some of these people in other countries are lucky if they can make it through the day without being slaughtered, or beat or robbed blind for some of the opportunities that I have had.

You know what, I deserve the right to bitch about any damn thing I want, any time I want. Because I live in America - the "so called" greatest country in the world.

The US is just as good at ignoring their own citizens as any other country. As long as the "corporate" elite keep raking in huge profits at the expense of the lives of the pathetic slaves that keep them going - who gives a shit?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Finance the Broke Carpenter (slash Geek)

OK, well I am already in debt over my head for a degree that I can't get a job with because NAFTA sent all the countries work over seas.

But that doesn't mean I still don't want to do something with my life LOL (What's left for a disabled carpenter anyway?)

So until I actually have my day in court and get my disability I need some help.

I need help with my phone/internet and power bills - and I really really need help getting new computer parts, my hard drive is on its last legs I think.

If anybody happens to have a couple extra bucks - send it via pay-pal to rxhector2k5@yahoo.com

Joe the Broke Carpenter

Monday, May 07, 2007

God Save the Queen
(or - the old bat doesnt need to be)

Aww how sweet, the Queen of England gets to eat off the fancy china at the White House with our corrupt government officials while soldiers die and our own citizens have to sue their own country to get their disability.

Will somebody please tell those fat elitist fucking pricks (and bitches) that shoveling their face full of food isnt going to solve any of this countries (let alone the worlds) problems.

Why do we even give a crap about that old bag anyway - isnt she just another powerless figurehead (I guess her and bush have something in common after all)

I hope they fucking choke to death on their fancy fucking dinner while the rest of the poverty stricken US and world has to suffer.

That just about covers me for today.

Peace Out...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

This Corrupt Government can Kiss My "American" ASS

I guess I can't blame them for being corrupt really though, I mean think about this for a minute.

If you had a bunch of people putting an almost endless supply of money in your pocket who's side would you be on?

When it comes right down to it, we're all to blame - Hell, we're the ones that voted for the corrupt sons-a-bitches.

But when it comes down to it, do they ever really give a crap about the people that are responsible for them being where they are?

Hell NO !!!! I personally can't put millions of dollars in their greedy hands because I am only a stupid carpenter. I busted my ass for 17 years of my miserable life in slavery to the "ILLEGAL" federal reserve and only made $117k ($8k/yr). I never made enough money to compete with the gigantic corporations lining the pockets of our corrupt elected officials.

Now we have the most disgusting display of disregard for the constitution ever as a president. After "two" rigged elections(with convictions in OHIO) and enough evidence on the internet pointing to the current (Bush/Cheney) administration as having direct involvement with 9/11 and a president who continually shows absolute contempt for everything our Constitution is for.

What is going to take to have these people brought to justice?

Who is responsible for the arrest and imprisonment of our highest elected officials for crimes of high treason against the people of the United States of America?

The American people, "We The People" have been speaking out and protesting and we even sent a message during the last round of Senate and Representative elections and our highest elected officials continue to ignore the demands of the people who they are supposed to "Serve".

George W Bush and Dick Cheney are "NOT" above the law. (Not to mention everyone else appointed in the Illegal Cabinet)

These foul people continue to scheme and blatantly disregard the law by having secret meetings and signing documents with other countries that "We The People" are not informed of.

Why do you think they call it a "secret"? People usually tell secrets or with-hold secrets because they are "BAD".

Our "Secret" (remember - "Secrets" are bad) Government has been forcing us into a facist slave state since the "Secret" establishment of the "Illegal" Federal Reserve since 1916.

With that being said...

I am on "permanent holiday" until the following events occur...
1) George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are arrested for the crimes of high treason against the people of the United States of America
(As well as every member of their corrupt appointed cabinet members)
2) The Federal Reserve is dismantled and the "Power" to print currency is restored to the Government of the United States.

More Political Rhetoric

More Political Rhetoric

As the politicians vie for votes they continue on the same path as previous Regimes.

It's all bullshit. While they continue to throw their money at the largest Corporations in America.


The only candidate that even comes close to saying anything I want to hear is Ron Paul.

Yes we all the war to end, and while national health care for all sounds good; until we actually end the war against our pocket books we will continue be slaves to the Federal Reserve.

While all the politicians except one have repeated the same shit we have heard for years, there is only one who really stands out.

Think about it, it's nice to know that you will be healthy - of course you will. If you stay healthy you can continue your slavery for the Federal Reserve.