Monday, October 23, 2006

When will it ever end?

Well, everything has pretty much gone full circle again. After we got moved there was a rough patch but we recovered from that barely. Then we had a good run without too many problems until recently.

My wife and I both are having a hell of a time with our health. We are a great match. Between her fibromyalgia and my bad back neither one of us can hold a job without getting fired.

We have both resorted to selling the few things that we had worth any value. I finally sold all my carpenter tools. What the hell, it's not like I was ever going to build a house again.

The really screwed up part about all of this is, having to wait up to two years before even getting a hearing for my disability. I mean, what do these people expect happens to those of us who can't provide for ourselves anymore. If we wouldnt have stumbled into this subsidized apartment we would be homeless.

And the rest of society just doesn't give a rats ass whether we live or die. We tried going to DHS (division of human services) for help, OH MY GOD. Those are the most ruthless, heartless people I have ever had to deal with. The fact that I had one back surgery already and live on morphine to kill the pain didn't matter to them at all. Short of out-right accusing me of being a drug addict and a bum they told me to get off my lazy ass and get a damn job. Hell, even if I was physically able to what they want, I still wouldn't get any monetary help for 45 days.

What a great country we live in (the USA). It is so much more important we liberate the IRAQis from their oil so some fucking beurocrat can stuff a shitload of cash in his pocket. IT would just be a shame to make sure that our own people are cared for.

Well, if you made it this far and you can spare a buck or two - send it via paypal to

thx - the broke ass carpenter waiting for disability