Sunday, November 26, 2006

Reflections of Poverty

Reflections of Poverty

I was thinking about some things the other day, mostly about how a lot of uncontrollable events in my life have forced me and my family to remain in a state of poverty.

My last rant about some people with the notion that it is just as easy for me to “Get off my Ass” and do something about it really stirred me up.

Yes, it is true I made the choice to be a carpenter. When I was growing up, like most of us; I never thought about what I really wanted to do when I became older. As a result, when I left high-school in my senior year I more or less just kind of fell into the trade.

Maybe I should start there, with one of the first major events in my life that I really had no control over. I had started smoking at around 13 or 14 I think, and all through my junior and high-school years I had never been caught smoking on school grounds. Well, my luck ran out, and I finally got caught.

It was the first semester of my senior year and as luck would have it, the school system had changed the “maximum” number of allowable absences from 9 (one day a week), to 7. This really sucked for all of us who were able to take a sick day once a week and still keep our grades up. I had missed 6 days for the semester, and only had a two more weeks left for my sick days to replenish.

The Dean caught me having a smoke break behind the Gym, that’s where we all went after lunch to have a smoke. He said finish that up and come to my office. So I went to his office and he said he was going to suspend me for two days. Well, that was going to give me an F in six fucking classes that I had pretty good grades in (Including trig – not bad for a long-hair at my school – full of surfin beach rats and stoners)

I explained to the Dean that this event was going to cost me several failing grades and that If he could wait till the next semester – only a couple short weeks away I would gladly accept the punishment (woohoo – two days out of school).

Well, even though I had never had any problems with this particular Dean, he was an absolute asshole and told me “Well, Buddy – I guess your pretty screwed – I hope that smoke was worth it”.

That pissed me off so bad I went off on this guy and told him what a shit fucking prick he was for not waiting till the next semester to screw me out of sick days. I went and removed all my books from my locker and returned them to his office – I threw my books on his desk and shoved them in his lap – with all the papers on his desk – and told him he sucked as a person and he could take his fucking school and shove it up his ass.

That was the demise of my Senior Year and my diploma. I am not so sure that I would have really been anything other than a carpenter if I would have graduated (I know have a GED and a Degree anyway) But my point is, this was just one of many hardships in my life, that if someone else would have any compassion or understanding for another fucking human being on this planet – that my life might have been just a little better.

Now that we have the beginning out of the way, I can tell you how the rest of a carpenters life goes.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My Basic Philosophy on Humanity (in the USA)

My Basic Philosophy on Humanity (in the USA)

I read a Blog the other day, and I am vaguely aware of the person past.  While reading through the Blog, said “person” mentioned the fact that they were going to change their voting party from Republican to Independent.  Is it because of their disgust with the current Bush/New World Order administration?

That we can only assume, however; During the beginning of the Blog this person mentioned the fact that there needs to be change.  They recognized the need for Healthcare Reform and better Education.  There may have been a few references to some other issues that are pertinent to Independents and Democrats.

You might think that someone gets what is really going on until you reach the end of the Blog.  The last few lines went on to mention the fact that said “person” doesn’t feel they should be “penalized” by paying higher taxes simply because he/she happens to make more money than most.  (Which is bullshit anyway because the asshole still owes my wife roughly $5,000 from unpaid child support in the last year – you would think this fucker wouldn’t be so far behind if he is so fucking well off)  OK, back on track – said “person” went on to mention welfare reform and how these people need to be taught how to fish so they can provide for themselves.

Now that sounds good, however; Every time I hear that line from a Republican it means force some poor single mother into some shitty minimum wage job cleaning toilets or being a waitress and rip any welfare “assistance” he/she may have away and force them to survive.  That’s not teaching a person to fish in my eyes – that’s taking their ass out in a boat and throwing them overboard to the sharks for chum.

And said “person’s” comment before that – “I shouldn’t be penalized because I’m better than everybody else”.  BULLSHIT.  It’s that fucked up mentality right there that makes the Good Ole USA the  shit-hole that it is.  Instead of thinking about how lucky they are to be in a such a better position they are than everybody else, and how they might actually be able to make a difference – they have to WHINE and BITCH about how much money they AREN’T going to take the grave with themselves.

It really pisses me off when the people in this world think that poor people are just here to fuck them in some way or another.  And I really get pissed when here some rich fuck say people are poor by choice.  NO! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT! People are not poor by choice. I damn sure didn’t choose to be poor.

If some if these mightier than though rich fucking republican bastards would come to realize that some of us (90 percent of the population) actually can’t stand being poor, they might actually get off their high fucking horse.

I was a carpenter for 15 years, and for the 15 years that I was in the workforce busting my ass to stay alive; I was constantly getting screwed.  From the contractor that went bankrupt and screwed me out of a months pay, to the trailer park that I lived in being sold to these California assholes that evicted 60 families in one month all because they wanted “nice new trailers” in their park, to being constantly fined for either not having insurance or legal tags.

Everything that every poor person does in their life usually costs twice to three times as much as everybody else.  Have you ever seen somebody in a Mercedes get a “no insurance” ticket?  I sure as hell haven’t.  

I used to spend about $1,500 every year to re-instate my drivers license and another $600 - $1000 just to pay for insurance.  Why? Because I’m a criminal?  NO!!! Because I’m a poor fucking carpenter working for a living and constantly paying late fees and extra money for my SR-22 insurance.

Well, I actually gave up on that shit.  After having my 3rd vehicle LEGALLY stolen from me by the courts because I can’t fucking afford to pay any bills because I’m a poor fucked up carpenter I gave up.  I don’t have a car and I don’t drive anymore because I am too poor to afford it, and I got sick and tired of spending every last dime I make just to keep up with the insurance and the fins and the BULLSHIT.

Now after 15 years of shit servitude as a carpenter and another two years of re-education (Yes, you rich bastards – I went to college and actually PAID money to learn how to “FISH” as you republican assholes put it) and another two years of endless interviews and job searching – WAIT, my two years of re-educations is for a degree in a job that is OUTSOURCED over seas because you stupid fucking republican assholes can’t stand the thought of paying an American a decent fucking living wage. SO AFTER ALL THIS SHIT I STILL CAN”T GET A FUCKING JOB.

SO I did the only thing I know how to do.  I went back to being a carpenter (after having one back surgery already).  And guess what?  Yup, now my back is really screwed up and I get to fight for the disability that I paid for out of every paycheck I ever had for the last 17 years.  And you think I’m here because I choose to be here – FUCK YOU.

The last three years of my life, constantly begging from charities and fighting the power company is not the path I chose in life, and it damn sure isn’t enjoyable by any standards, so if any of you rich fucks that think poor people are here by choice – FUCKING THINK AGAIN.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

There is a light at the end of the tunnel !!!

Well it finally happened. It only took six years too long but it happened. The people of this country finally sent the message that they are sick-and-tired of the disgusting Bush administration. THANK GOD !!!!

Now that the Democrats have control of our country again I might have a snowballs chance in hell of actually getting my disability, or at least living a little better life than I have recently.

It's no secret that I can't stand republicans. Every republican agenda since my birth has focused on abolishing any and all forms of public assistance or any form of help for those in poverty. They constantly bash the poor by giving themselves huge tax cuts. It's no wonder they need to get rid of welfare. The greedy bastards are stuck on the size of their wallets and how much money they can take with them to the grave.

I don't want to sound like I think I deserve a free ride, thats not my point at all.

There was a point in time when I was a go getter. I used to get up everyday and go to work just like everybody else. No, Wait. Not like everybody else. Since I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth I had to actually earn my money. Don't get me wrong, I really used to enjoy beaing a carpenter and building houses. It was good to see a result for my efforts at the end of the day.

But after 15 years of contantly never being able to keep up with my bills, and shady contractors screwing me; I never had the credit to start my own company. I never had the time to sit and breathe for a minute, I never had the luxury of a family vacation. I never had the opportunity to do anything with my life. Why? Because I was born into poverty.

I thought that maybe I could change my life, I went and got a degree after my first back surgery. It's only an AA, but it's a step up from being a dropout. Funny thing is, I never came close to making as much money as I did as a stupid carpenter. Believe me, their isn't a ton of money in the Information Technology sector unless you actually own the company.

After toughing it out for a while and not being able to keep up with the world I had to fall back on carpentry - which led to screwing my back up again - only for good this time.

I don't want another surgery, and I have been beat down for the last 17 years of my life - I just don't give a crap about much of anything anymore. And that really sucks because I used to care.

The last two years of my life since I have been fighting for my disability claim have been the worst two years of my life. The constant poverty has led to the loss of out two oldest children - no they didnt die. Our oldest two children just got sick of living like paupers and decided they wawnted a better life, so one of them packed up to go live with an aunt (The bitch from hell did some really shitty things behind our back to get him there) and the oldest, in his senior year went to go live with his spoiled princess girlfriend (after she was living us and couldn't handle a dose of the real world)

Maybe between now and the next two years something will go right in this country now that the democrats - the people who actually care about other people, especially those of us who are less fortunate - have control of this countries political structure again.

Well, if any of you made it this far - thank you for paying attention. As for myself, I don't really know how I am going to pay the next round of bills - so if you can spare a buck or two - send it via PayPal to

thanks -
Joe the broke carpenter