Sunday, April 30, 2006

More BS

There's nothing more exciting than getting another denial letter from the SSA saying that I'm not disabled according to thier standards.

Let me see, in the two years I have lost my house - been kicked out of more than apartment because I can't work. Had my car towed because I am too broke to keep up with insurance and registration and a drivers license.

I wouldn't think that anyone with a family would porposely go through this nightmare.

And now to make things worse the SSA is saying if they do approve anyone for disability benefits, they are going to make them wait for two years before paying them a dime.

It's just one more perfect example of this republican NEO-CON administration stealing from the less fortunate people so they can keep the never ending war machine turning.

Gas companies are reporting record profits - Is there a fuel shortage? Hell No !!!
Only 3% of our fuel comes from iraq and we are getting raped at the fuel pumps why? Because the fuel companies major stock holders are republicans who are stuffing thier pockets with your hard earned dollars.

This administration has got to be dealt with somehow. They lied about Iraq - sodam? I thought bin-laden was responsible for the twin towers?

Friday, April 14, 2006

When Will it End

Well, we had another successful begging session. Had to call energy assistance to get help with the electric bill.

Believe me, I hate being a bum. I would give anything to get up tommorow and not be in pain and be able to work. I feel Like crap. I am always in pain, even with the morphine (I do have a doctors appointment to go check on legal marijuana).

I never wanted to be a welfare case and a drain on society. But her I am. A carpenter with a fucked up back living (ha, barely surviving - believe me this is not living) on the handouts of others.

Maybe my appointment with my disability lawyer on the 17th will be productive, but I am still really screwed until I actually get the disability anyway. The bullshit that a person has to go through just to be a part of humanity. Ha, what a fucking joke - humanity.

With all these thieving backstabbing fucking republicans in office there will never be any humanity. Thats ok, they did such a good job fucking everything up for the last 8 years I think it will be a long time before any more republicans get elected into office. Or atleast God I hope so - if the rest of this country is so blind they can't see how bad they are getting raped and screwed I feel sorry for them.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Screwed Again !!!

So, here we are in our subsidized housing. It's really not as bad as you might think. We live in a rural area - hell, I can't believe they even know what subsudized housing is out here.

We stayed in a hotel for about 6 weeks after we got evicted, it was hell. We had to beg from every church we could think of - I must say, for a carpenter that was used to making O.K. money it was quite the humbling experience.

While we were in the hotel we managed to get our tax return, boy was it terrible. We usually get way more, but between my bad back and my wifes fibro we didnt make a whole lot to really put any in.

We got lucky and a friend of our oldest son told us that her mother manages these apartments, we didnt even know they were subsidized until we came to fill out the applications. It took us about 3 weeks from start to finish to get in, so we had spent some of our tax return on the hotel - that and just trying to stay alive.

We don't have a car, so getting around involves bumming rides or getting a taxi - that costs more money too. When we were getting the utilities turned on the electric company wanted like $400 fucking dollars - can you believe it. That was to pay for the last bill (We had them shut of the power when we got kicked out of the other place, we thought it would be easier to get it turned back on if we didnt just let them disconnect it) plus more for a depost. I said "well SHIT, if I'm paying the last bill in full - why the fuck should you need a deposit too." But you know how it goes - theres usually only one electric company no matter where you live, so they always got you by the balls.

That was pretty much the last of our money and we have just been living of my wifes child support (the oldest two boys are from her ex). We have stumbled across an odd job here and there but things are really hard right now.

Our apartment is not exactly close to any businesses. My back is so screwed up that I can hardly get around, and my wifes fibro usually has her in pain too. Se we have a roof over our heads, thank god. But we havent had enough money to pay the electric bill since we moved in - so they are threatening to shut us off.

It juts really pisses me off. I havent worked for a year, Im constantly in pain, and those Disability bastards treat the whole process like its some kind of damn game. Get denied twice, then get a lawyer to get your money.

So, any way - if you managed to read this far and you really care - help me keep the power on -

- thanks

Joe - the broke carpenter

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Disability Sucks

This friggin sucks. At least we made it through the really rough part - being temporarily homeless and living in a hotel.

Now we have the next battle to wage. I have been denied disability benefits after filing for a reconciliation. So, I mean it's not like a surprise. I have read alot about how this porcess works and this is the next step.

The whole system is really screwed up though. A person should not have to go homeless because of anything, especially those with families. So now I have to go get a disability lawyer and fight some more.

There has to be soem way to level the playing field for the American worker. Think about it. There is only a small percentage of this countries population that can actually afford to live a normal life. And an even smaller percentage that actually enjoys any luxury.

Why does a person need to be born with a silver spoon in thier mouth to have a decent life. My parents couldn't afford to send me to college to be a doctor or lawyer or anything really. They just didnt have any extra money. After paying all the bills and medical insurance and health insurance and this that and the other, there just was never anything left.

So, like the rest of society; I went out into the world and found a job. You know how it goes, your right out of highschool and you need to make money. Nobody in thier right mind would give anybody with no world experience a job - let alone a career. Unless it happens to be manual labor.

So, I would up as a carpenter. Its actually a really good job. You have to be intelligent, at least with math anyway.

I worked 8 hours a day just like everybody else. Hell, sometimes I worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week. Why? Because at shitty minimum wage, a carpenter has to work longer.

Funny, doctors and lawyers can work to the ripe old age of retirement making a shitload of money and living a comfortable life. Meanwhile the carpenter is always broke and they almost never make it to retirement age because thier backs get so screwed up from the daily torture on thier bodies. So we end up fu*** broke and homeless fighting for disability.

There has to be a better way. Something needs to change. This country needs a revolution.

Don't get me started on the legalized Mafia - you know what I am talking about - Car insurance - if you don't have it becuase you can't afford it you get stuck paying fines through the nose and the rate of your corporate "extorstion" ends up being even more.

Sometimes I think if it wasnt for all the poor people getting fucked out of thier hard earned dollars, this country would go to shit. It's hillarious - almost ironic, that our forefathers came to this country to get away from taxation and we end up being exactly like the country that our forefathers fought so hard to get away from.

The only thing the poor have to look foreward to is disability. What a shitty life. I mean god forbid some poor person gets injured or too old to work. No savings, giant corporations stealing thier retirement. The one system that is in place for some sense of stability is so screwed up that those of us who need it have to go homeless and loose everything we own before we see light at the end of the tunnel.