Saturday, December 23, 2006

One Small Step

Hey Everybody(LOL),
I don't know if I've actually had more than 2 readers but sometimes I just like to type - so here goes.

The last two years of my life have been absolute crap. I went from being a really good carpenter in the middle of a career change at 30 something, to having a really screwed up back and fighting for my disability.

To be politicaly correct; the last "holiday season" was OK, we managed to get just enough help to keep the kids belief in the "spirit".

This year however, we had some of the best luck we have had since my health started to decline. We recieved a phone call from one of our boys' teacher asking us if we would like to be "adopted" by a local outlet mall.

We were able to get our kids exactly what they wanted (ok, well almost - they didnt get the laptop or the 50" plasma TV but they did get the other things on the list)

It has been a long two years fighting for my disability, and might be longer till I actually get my day in court - I may have to fight the utilities after the new year - but at least the kids will be OK till then.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Reflections Two

O.K., where was I?  Oh yeah, I had just left high-school because some insensitive asshole of a dean didn’t get his willy wet that morning or some shit.

Well, my parents weren’t exactly thrilled about it, but they were both really understanding about how pissed off I was and they were actually on my side.  My mother made some phone calls and later the next day we received a call from the school superintendent with an apology and he said if I went back to school they would excuse the absence and there would be no further punishment for my offense, even the superintendent was not happy about the Deans actions and told me that the Dean should have been more understanding and just waited the extra week and a half or two weeks to suspend me.

Like all teen-agers, I knew everything and figured I would just get my GED later down the road anyway so I decided to not go back to school (I hear the Dean got a real ass-chewing from the superintendent too).  

I had another friend who had quit school as well, and he was working at this day-labor place.  Hey, I was young enough and having my own money sounded nice so I would go to work with my buddy everyday and do stupid labor pools work.  It wasn’t too bad, mostly just cleaning up warehouses and construction sites.  Minimum wage wasn’t too bad.  I was making like $25 a day so I had some spending money.  I was even giving some money to my parents to help pay the bills.

My friend was going to see the world and he wanted to know if I wanted to buy his motorcycle.  Great timing, I had been saving a couple bucks here and there so I took him up on the offer.  Now I had a job, my own transportation and even some money in my pockets.

Well here I am 20 years later, a carpenter with a fucked up back fighting to get my disability.  I wish I could say “I would do all the same again”, but I wouldn’t.  Not for my own sake, but for my kids.

It hasn’t been all bad. There were a few rare times when we actually got to enjoy life for some short periods of time.  But there was way more stress than there should have been.  And it has taken it’s toll.

Our oldest, at seventeen told us what shitty parents we were when he moved out to live with his girlfriend – at least he is going to finish school.  He even found a couple decent job opportunities and found a good path to follow.  I hope he makes it to be a lawyer, I really do.  He was always good at arguing.  I just hope he doesn’t end to be one of those shyster lawyers that works for the wrong people.

Our next oldest the fifteen year old, left us last year.  My wife’s sister came to visit and told him raise as much hell as he could so we would let him go “stay” with her.  Well it worked, that happened right around the time my back had went out again and we were having real money troubles.  So we decided to let him go “stay” with my wife’s sister.

Not to long after he left my wife would try to call and talk to him, but her sister was always in the background running her mouth and telling our boy what to say.  What a bunch of shit that was.  So our fifteen year old gets the life of a spoiled only child.  Not that it’s a bad thing, but my wife’s sister has nothing to do with us anymore now that she has one of our kids.  It’s like she doesn’t give a shit about anybody else in the family.

That really does a lot of good for the other three brothers.  They all hate my wife’s sister and the other brother now, what a great fucking family we have.  The fifteen year old was always really hot-headed though, but it got to the point that he would walk through the house and hit his younger brothers for no reason and then get pissed off at us when we ask him what was he thinking.

Just another perfect example of all the years of poverty kicking our ass.  If I would have done things differently and had more money and less stress we might still be a family.  A real family that actually cares about each other, but I can’t blame it all on myself.  That fucking bitch of a sister-in-law is the bigger part of our own son not so much as even sending his own mother or brothers a fucking birthday card once in a while.  She always looked down at me from day one anyway, like I was less than her – and that was before she had any idea about who I really am as a person.

We really got lucky stumbling into this subsidized housing, otherwise our children would have been taken away and we would be homeless.  But we are still living a really fixed income.

Chalk it up as another year that we pray for the charities to come through for us and hope the kids understand.

Well, if you made it this far and have a buck or two to spare – send it to Joe the broke carpenter via pay-pal –


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Reflections of Poverty

Reflections of Poverty

I was thinking about some things the other day, mostly about how a lot of uncontrollable events in my life have forced me and my family to remain in a state of poverty.

My last rant about some people with the notion that it is just as easy for me to “Get off my Ass” and do something about it really stirred me up.

Yes, it is true I made the choice to be a carpenter. When I was growing up, like most of us; I never thought about what I really wanted to do when I became older. As a result, when I left high-school in my senior year I more or less just kind of fell into the trade.

Maybe I should start there, with one of the first major events in my life that I really had no control over. I had started smoking at around 13 or 14 I think, and all through my junior and high-school years I had never been caught smoking on school grounds. Well, my luck ran out, and I finally got caught.

It was the first semester of my senior year and as luck would have it, the school system had changed the “maximum” number of allowable absences from 9 (one day a week), to 7. This really sucked for all of us who were able to take a sick day once a week and still keep our grades up. I had missed 6 days for the semester, and only had a two more weeks left for my sick days to replenish.

The Dean caught me having a smoke break behind the Gym, that’s where we all went after lunch to have a smoke. He said finish that up and come to my office. So I went to his office and he said he was going to suspend me for two days. Well, that was going to give me an F in six fucking classes that I had pretty good grades in (Including trig – not bad for a long-hair at my school – full of surfin beach rats and stoners)

I explained to the Dean that this event was going to cost me several failing grades and that If he could wait till the next semester – only a couple short weeks away I would gladly accept the punishment (woohoo – two days out of school).

Well, even though I had never had any problems with this particular Dean, he was an absolute asshole and told me “Well, Buddy – I guess your pretty screwed – I hope that smoke was worth it”.

That pissed me off so bad I went off on this guy and told him what a shit fucking prick he was for not waiting till the next semester to screw me out of sick days. I went and removed all my books from my locker and returned them to his office – I threw my books on his desk and shoved them in his lap – with all the papers on his desk – and told him he sucked as a person and he could take his fucking school and shove it up his ass.

That was the demise of my Senior Year and my diploma. I am not so sure that I would have really been anything other than a carpenter if I would have graduated (I know have a GED and a Degree anyway) But my point is, this was just one of many hardships in my life, that if someone else would have any compassion or understanding for another fucking human being on this planet – that my life might have been just a little better.

Now that we have the beginning out of the way, I can tell you how the rest of a carpenters life goes.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My Basic Philosophy on Humanity (in the USA)

My Basic Philosophy on Humanity (in the USA)

I read a Blog the other day, and I am vaguely aware of the person past.  While reading through the Blog, said “person” mentioned the fact that they were going to change their voting party from Republican to Independent.  Is it because of their disgust with the current Bush/New World Order administration?

That we can only assume, however; During the beginning of the Blog this person mentioned the fact that there needs to be change.  They recognized the need for Healthcare Reform and better Education.  There may have been a few references to some other issues that are pertinent to Independents and Democrats.

You might think that someone gets what is really going on until you reach the end of the Blog.  The last few lines went on to mention the fact that said “person” doesn’t feel they should be “penalized” by paying higher taxes simply because he/she happens to make more money than most.  (Which is bullshit anyway because the asshole still owes my wife roughly $5,000 from unpaid child support in the last year – you would think this fucker wouldn’t be so far behind if he is so fucking well off)  OK, back on track – said “person” went on to mention welfare reform and how these people need to be taught how to fish so they can provide for themselves.

Now that sounds good, however; Every time I hear that line from a Republican it means force some poor single mother into some shitty minimum wage job cleaning toilets or being a waitress and rip any welfare “assistance” he/she may have away and force them to survive.  That’s not teaching a person to fish in my eyes – that’s taking their ass out in a boat and throwing them overboard to the sharks for chum.

And said “person’s” comment before that – “I shouldn’t be penalized because I’m better than everybody else”.  BULLSHIT.  It’s that fucked up mentality right there that makes the Good Ole USA the  shit-hole that it is.  Instead of thinking about how lucky they are to be in a such a better position they are than everybody else, and how they might actually be able to make a difference – they have to WHINE and BITCH about how much money they AREN’T going to take the grave with themselves.

It really pisses me off when the people in this world think that poor people are just here to fuck them in some way or another.  And I really get pissed when here some rich fuck say people are poor by choice.  NO! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT! People are not poor by choice. I damn sure didn’t choose to be poor.

If some if these mightier than though rich fucking republican bastards would come to realize that some of us (90 percent of the population) actually can’t stand being poor, they might actually get off their high fucking horse.

I was a carpenter for 15 years, and for the 15 years that I was in the workforce busting my ass to stay alive; I was constantly getting screwed.  From the contractor that went bankrupt and screwed me out of a months pay, to the trailer park that I lived in being sold to these California assholes that evicted 60 families in one month all because they wanted “nice new trailers” in their park, to being constantly fined for either not having insurance or legal tags.

Everything that every poor person does in their life usually costs twice to three times as much as everybody else.  Have you ever seen somebody in a Mercedes get a “no insurance” ticket?  I sure as hell haven’t.  

I used to spend about $1,500 every year to re-instate my drivers license and another $600 - $1000 just to pay for insurance.  Why? Because I’m a criminal?  NO!!! Because I’m a poor fucking carpenter working for a living and constantly paying late fees and extra money for my SR-22 insurance.

Well, I actually gave up on that shit.  After having my 3rd vehicle LEGALLY stolen from me by the courts because I can’t fucking afford to pay any bills because I’m a poor fucked up carpenter I gave up.  I don’t have a car and I don’t drive anymore because I am too poor to afford it, and I got sick and tired of spending every last dime I make just to keep up with the insurance and the fins and the BULLSHIT.

Now after 15 years of shit servitude as a carpenter and another two years of re-education (Yes, you rich bastards – I went to college and actually PAID money to learn how to “FISH” as you republican assholes put it) and another two years of endless interviews and job searching – WAIT, my two years of re-educations is for a degree in a job that is OUTSOURCED over seas because you stupid fucking republican assholes can’t stand the thought of paying an American a decent fucking living wage. SO AFTER ALL THIS SHIT I STILL CAN”T GET A FUCKING JOB.

SO I did the only thing I know how to do.  I went back to being a carpenter (after having one back surgery already).  And guess what?  Yup, now my back is really screwed up and I get to fight for the disability that I paid for out of every paycheck I ever had for the last 17 years.  And you think I’m here because I choose to be here – FUCK YOU.

The last three years of my life, constantly begging from charities and fighting the power company is not the path I chose in life, and it damn sure isn’t enjoyable by any standards, so if any of you rich fucks that think poor people are here by choice – FUCKING THINK AGAIN.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

There is a light at the end of the tunnel !!!

Well it finally happened. It only took six years too long but it happened. The people of this country finally sent the message that they are sick-and-tired of the disgusting Bush administration. THANK GOD !!!!

Now that the Democrats have control of our country again I might have a snowballs chance in hell of actually getting my disability, or at least living a little better life than I have recently.

It's no secret that I can't stand republicans. Every republican agenda since my birth has focused on abolishing any and all forms of public assistance or any form of help for those in poverty. They constantly bash the poor by giving themselves huge tax cuts. It's no wonder they need to get rid of welfare. The greedy bastards are stuck on the size of their wallets and how much money they can take with them to the grave.

I don't want to sound like I think I deserve a free ride, thats not my point at all.

There was a point in time when I was a go getter. I used to get up everyday and go to work just like everybody else. No, Wait. Not like everybody else. Since I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth I had to actually earn my money. Don't get me wrong, I really used to enjoy beaing a carpenter and building houses. It was good to see a result for my efforts at the end of the day.

But after 15 years of contantly never being able to keep up with my bills, and shady contractors screwing me; I never had the credit to start my own company. I never had the time to sit and breathe for a minute, I never had the luxury of a family vacation. I never had the opportunity to do anything with my life. Why? Because I was born into poverty.

I thought that maybe I could change my life, I went and got a degree after my first back surgery. It's only an AA, but it's a step up from being a dropout. Funny thing is, I never came close to making as much money as I did as a stupid carpenter. Believe me, their isn't a ton of money in the Information Technology sector unless you actually own the company.

After toughing it out for a while and not being able to keep up with the world I had to fall back on carpentry - which led to screwing my back up again - only for good this time.

I don't want another surgery, and I have been beat down for the last 17 years of my life - I just don't give a crap about much of anything anymore. And that really sucks because I used to care.

The last two years of my life since I have been fighting for my disability claim have been the worst two years of my life. The constant poverty has led to the loss of out two oldest children - no they didnt die. Our oldest two children just got sick of living like paupers and decided they wawnted a better life, so one of them packed up to go live with an aunt (The bitch from hell did some really shitty things behind our back to get him there) and the oldest, in his senior year went to go live with his spoiled princess girlfriend (after she was living us and couldn't handle a dose of the real world)

Maybe between now and the next two years something will go right in this country now that the democrats - the people who actually care about other people, especially those of us who are less fortunate - have control of this countries political structure again.

Well, if any of you made it this far - thank you for paying attention. As for myself, I don't really know how I am going to pay the next round of bills - so if you can spare a buck or two - send it via PayPal to

thanks -
Joe the broke carpenter

Monday, October 23, 2006

When will it ever end?

Well, everything has pretty much gone full circle again. After we got moved there was a rough patch but we recovered from that barely. Then we had a good run without too many problems until recently.

My wife and I both are having a hell of a time with our health. We are a great match. Between her fibromyalgia and my bad back neither one of us can hold a job without getting fired.

We have both resorted to selling the few things that we had worth any value. I finally sold all my carpenter tools. What the hell, it's not like I was ever going to build a house again.

The really screwed up part about all of this is, having to wait up to two years before even getting a hearing for my disability. I mean, what do these people expect happens to those of us who can't provide for ourselves anymore. If we wouldnt have stumbled into this subsidized apartment we would be homeless.

And the rest of society just doesn't give a rats ass whether we live or die. We tried going to DHS (division of human services) for help, OH MY GOD. Those are the most ruthless, heartless people I have ever had to deal with. The fact that I had one back surgery already and live on morphine to kill the pain didn't matter to them at all. Short of out-right accusing me of being a drug addict and a bum they told me to get off my lazy ass and get a damn job. Hell, even if I was physically able to what they want, I still wouldn't get any monetary help for 45 days.

What a great country we live in (the USA). It is so much more important we liberate the IRAQis from their oil so some fucking beurocrat can stuff a shitload of cash in his pocket. IT would just be a shame to make sure that our own people are cared for.

Well, if you made it this far and you can spare a buck or two - send it via paypal to

thx - the broke ass carpenter waiting for disability

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Oh Crappy Day

It's that time again folks !! My wife's deadbeat ex. still hasnt sent us the 2k he owes for back support, the landlords we sued still havent sent us the 900 bucks they screwed us out of and its time pick and choose between which utility we get to fight with this month.

It looks the electric company will get all my aluminum can money this month, they shut us off over 60 bucks last time, and for some reason our bill is getting bigger every month. You would think the electric bill would go down in the summer. I think they are screwing us.

But you know how easy it is for some broke carpenter fighting just to get his disability to fight a huge corporation like the local power company.

So, if anybody wants to help me keep the utilities runnin for another month - send a paypal donation to

Cool - thanks everybody.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The downward spiral.

Well everybody, here we go one more time. I stumbled into some part-time work at home internet stuff - freelance writing if you can believe it. But everything else has been hell.

I get to decide between power and phone - unfortunatley the loss of either one will pretty much kill any chance I have of making any money at all, let alone surviving.

Story of my life since this back surgery.

This power company has got to be the worst company I have ever had to deal with in my life, they are lucky as hell I can't afford a generator. I would be willing to buy my own diesel fuel just to have the satisfaction of knowing those bastards wouldnt get another dime from me.

So if anybody with the heart and a few extra could really help me out.

Thanks - Joe the broke carpenter.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Another giant company (Pacific Power) Fucks the poor man

The last couple years of my life have been an absolute nightmare. I have been "asked" to move once - those landlords kept my deposit, I sued them and won but we all know how small claims go - it has been almost a year now and still no return of my deposit. I have been evicted once - hey not that it matters, my credit is already ruined, that landlord is known locally for doing shady things anyway.

It has been two years since I began my battle for Disability benefits. 15 years of carpentry took a massive toll on my body and I have had one back surgery already. But we all know that back problems are the most abused part of the disability department.

Well, at least I have a lawyer now to represent me since I have been officialy denied twice. My lawyer tells me it will be up to 2 years before my case can be reviewed.

So until the day finally comes that I have my disability in hand I spend much of my time begging from the local charities to help me and my family get by. Believe me, for someone that was used to earning their own way in life - the last couple years of my life have been quite humbling.

My most recent battle was with my local power company. On May 22nd I had contacted them about payment of a late bill at which time I paid them $90. The representative at the time relayed to me that I had a balance of $40 left and everything should be OK for a while.

Since I had just paid a bill I was not real concerned with paying to much attention to my mail. BIG MISTAKE. The next bill that they sent 10 days later (June 2) was a disconnect notice for $59. But since I wasn't paying attention to the mail I did not open this bill.

Then on June 15 (22 days from the date of me paying a $90 bill) one of their technicians knocks on my door and tells me that if i can't pay a substantial amount of the $59 owed (I was never able to get how $40 turned into $59) that he was going to disconnect my service.

Well, my wife and I were not even expecting to get disconnected a mere 22 days after paying a $90 bill. My wife proceeds to call the power company on the phone to work out a payment arangement. After several minutes of her talking on the phone while being badgered by their henchman at the door (belive me, if you would have seen his attitude you would think the term henchman to be light) the technician lost his patience and disconnected the power while my wife was on the phone.

Well, that did not make things any easier for us. Since the technician took it upon himself to "officially" disconnect our power over $59, the only way we could get our power back on was to come up with the full $59 - plus another $30 "reconnection" fee.

My wife was on the phone for quite some time with the power company representatives and we always got the same story "we do not care about you" we want our money, and since you are poor - we want even more money.

When asked why there was a $30 reconnection fee - we were told that was imposed to offset the cost of sending more people to reconnect the power. Hmmm, maybe if they didnt jump the gun and turn it off - they wouldnt have to "offsett" anything to turn it back on.

Well, after I called around to some charities I was able to find one willing to pay the $90 to get my power turned back on for me and my family of 6.

It really amazes me that a company of that size would be so threatened by the temporary loss of $59 that they would have to shut off our electricity. And even more amazing that not only do we get punished by having to suffer the indignity of having our power shut off - that we get billed another $30 on top of it all. It is like being kicked when you are already down.

The biggest issue I have with is, when our local companies lose sight of the community they are here serve, what does that say about us as Americans. The representatives hands are "tied" so to speak. The system they use leaves no room for negotiation and if any employee were to be sympathetic to a customer and bend the rules over a mere $59 they may lose their job.

It is really hard for me right now - i don't really fit anywhere. I am not "officialy" disabled yet, so I am one of the those people that fall between the cracks in the system. It seems that as time goes on - the cracks in the system get wider and wider.

I know there may not be a lot you can do personally, but I just wanted to bring your attention a few things for thought.

1) Why is the Disability system so far behind? I recently read an artile about how that system is going through restructuring to make it better - obviously that didn't work.

2) There needs to be some way for people "in-between" working and disability - like me, to be protected and not fall through the cracks.

3) It amazes me to think that huge companies like the power company can be so callous as to just shut someones power off over $59 - and then charge them another $30 on top of that - If I didn't know any better I would think they are doing their best to force those of us already in poverty to remain there - or even worse still - force us into an even deeper state of poverty. Are these companies really "threatened" at the thought of someone just trying to survive?

This Country, this State, even this small County has got to change. If we as Americans continue to remain apathetic to these giant companies and allow them to blatantly steal from those who are impoverished - things are only going to get worse.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Its been forever

So, I get to wait for up to "TWO YEARS" before I can see the judge about my Social Security reconciliation. What in the hell is that for a process. I will be long homeless and dead in the next two years.

I dont know how in the hell anybody else in this country ever made it that far. I put my share in the pot for 15 years while I worked.

Now I have to fight tooth and nail to get something that is rightfully mine.

Well, hopefully I can keep my elictric and phone and internet for just a little longer.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

More BS

There's nothing more exciting than getting another denial letter from the SSA saying that I'm not disabled according to thier standards.

Let me see, in the two years I have lost my house - been kicked out of more than apartment because I can't work. Had my car towed because I am too broke to keep up with insurance and registration and a drivers license.

I wouldn't think that anyone with a family would porposely go through this nightmare.

And now to make things worse the SSA is saying if they do approve anyone for disability benefits, they are going to make them wait for two years before paying them a dime.

It's just one more perfect example of this republican NEO-CON administration stealing from the less fortunate people so they can keep the never ending war machine turning.

Gas companies are reporting record profits - Is there a fuel shortage? Hell No !!!
Only 3% of our fuel comes from iraq and we are getting raped at the fuel pumps why? Because the fuel companies major stock holders are republicans who are stuffing thier pockets with your hard earned dollars.

This administration has got to be dealt with somehow. They lied about Iraq - sodam? I thought bin-laden was responsible for the twin towers?

Friday, April 14, 2006

When Will it End

Well, we had another successful begging session. Had to call energy assistance to get help with the electric bill.

Believe me, I hate being a bum. I would give anything to get up tommorow and not be in pain and be able to work. I feel Like crap. I am always in pain, even with the morphine (I do have a doctors appointment to go check on legal marijuana).

I never wanted to be a welfare case and a drain on society. But her I am. A carpenter with a fucked up back living (ha, barely surviving - believe me this is not living) on the handouts of others.

Maybe my appointment with my disability lawyer on the 17th will be productive, but I am still really screwed until I actually get the disability anyway. The bullshit that a person has to go through just to be a part of humanity. Ha, what a fucking joke - humanity.

With all these thieving backstabbing fucking republicans in office there will never be any humanity. Thats ok, they did such a good job fucking everything up for the last 8 years I think it will be a long time before any more republicans get elected into office. Or atleast God I hope so - if the rest of this country is so blind they can't see how bad they are getting raped and screwed I feel sorry for them.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Screwed Again !!!

So, here we are in our subsidized housing. It's really not as bad as you might think. We live in a rural area - hell, I can't believe they even know what subsudized housing is out here.

We stayed in a hotel for about 6 weeks after we got evicted, it was hell. We had to beg from every church we could think of - I must say, for a carpenter that was used to making O.K. money it was quite the humbling experience.

While we were in the hotel we managed to get our tax return, boy was it terrible. We usually get way more, but between my bad back and my wifes fibro we didnt make a whole lot to really put any in.

We got lucky and a friend of our oldest son told us that her mother manages these apartments, we didnt even know they were subsidized until we came to fill out the applications. It took us about 3 weeks from start to finish to get in, so we had spent some of our tax return on the hotel - that and just trying to stay alive.

We don't have a car, so getting around involves bumming rides or getting a taxi - that costs more money too. When we were getting the utilities turned on the electric company wanted like $400 fucking dollars - can you believe it. That was to pay for the last bill (We had them shut of the power when we got kicked out of the other place, we thought it would be easier to get it turned back on if we didnt just let them disconnect it) plus more for a depost. I said "well SHIT, if I'm paying the last bill in full - why the fuck should you need a deposit too." But you know how it goes - theres usually only one electric company no matter where you live, so they always got you by the balls.

That was pretty much the last of our money and we have just been living of my wifes child support (the oldest two boys are from her ex). We have stumbled across an odd job here and there but things are really hard right now.

Our apartment is not exactly close to any businesses. My back is so screwed up that I can hardly get around, and my wifes fibro usually has her in pain too. Se we have a roof over our heads, thank god. But we havent had enough money to pay the electric bill since we moved in - so they are threatening to shut us off.

It juts really pisses me off. I havent worked for a year, Im constantly in pain, and those Disability bastards treat the whole process like its some kind of damn game. Get denied twice, then get a lawyer to get your money.

So, any way - if you managed to read this far and you really care - help me keep the power on -

- thanks

Joe - the broke carpenter

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Disability Sucks

This friggin sucks. At least we made it through the really rough part - being temporarily homeless and living in a hotel.

Now we have the next battle to wage. I have been denied disability benefits after filing for a reconciliation. So, I mean it's not like a surprise. I have read alot about how this porcess works and this is the next step.

The whole system is really screwed up though. A person should not have to go homeless because of anything, especially those with families. So now I have to go get a disability lawyer and fight some more.

There has to be soem way to level the playing field for the American worker. Think about it. There is only a small percentage of this countries population that can actually afford to live a normal life. And an even smaller percentage that actually enjoys any luxury.

Why does a person need to be born with a silver spoon in thier mouth to have a decent life. My parents couldn't afford to send me to college to be a doctor or lawyer or anything really. They just didnt have any extra money. After paying all the bills and medical insurance and health insurance and this that and the other, there just was never anything left.

So, like the rest of society; I went out into the world and found a job. You know how it goes, your right out of highschool and you need to make money. Nobody in thier right mind would give anybody with no world experience a job - let alone a career. Unless it happens to be manual labor.

So, I would up as a carpenter. Its actually a really good job. You have to be intelligent, at least with math anyway.

I worked 8 hours a day just like everybody else. Hell, sometimes I worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week. Why? Because at shitty minimum wage, a carpenter has to work longer.

Funny, doctors and lawyers can work to the ripe old age of retirement making a shitload of money and living a comfortable life. Meanwhile the carpenter is always broke and they almost never make it to retirement age because thier backs get so screwed up from the daily torture on thier bodies. So we end up fu*** broke and homeless fighting for disability.

There has to be a better way. Something needs to change. This country needs a revolution.

Don't get me started on the legalized Mafia - you know what I am talking about - Car insurance - if you don't have it becuase you can't afford it you get stuck paying fines through the nose and the rate of your corporate "extorstion" ends up being even more.

Sometimes I think if it wasnt for all the poor people getting fucked out of thier hard earned dollars, this country would go to shit. It's hillarious - almost ironic, that our forefathers came to this country to get away from taxation and we end up being exactly like the country that our forefathers fought so hard to get away from.

The only thing the poor have to look foreward to is disability. What a shitty life. I mean god forbid some poor person gets injured or too old to work. No savings, giant corporations stealing thier retirement. The one system that is in place for some sense of stability is so screwed up that those of us who need it have to go homeless and loose everything we own before we see light at the end of the tunnel.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

No Thank You, Mr. Bush !!!

No Thank You, Mr. Bush !!!
I don't want your d*** in my a** anymore you fuc*** worthless piece of republican shit.

You heard me. As a natural born citizen of the united states, I can honestly say I want your resignation. You SUCK !!! You and your money hungry "war Machine" chronies have fucked up my country so much that I demand you resign IMMEDIATELY.

Thats all for now.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Too Much

What in the hell is going on with this world !!!
Think about this for a minute, if it wasnt for all the shitty minimum wage and blue collar workers what would all the rich people do? I don't think I have ever met a doctor or lawyer who could build thier own house, let alone build thier hospital or court house.

But here I am. I worked long and hard building custom homes and what do I have to show for it? Nothing but a fucked up back waiting for disability at 36. Oh Yes, this was my goal in life.

It's really funny how it seams that some of the most physically demanding jobs don't pay for shit. This country needs a change. If every low income worker decided to take a day off, NO. Make that if every low income worker decided to take a week off, this country would come to a screeching halt. There has to be some way to tip the scales so that everything is fair.

I broke my back just trying to make it from paycheck to paycheck. I used to think that being a carpenter and doing a good days honest work was the way to live. FUCK THAT !!! It's no wonder people stray to crime.

Not to mention that we have the worst economy with the worst president in history. What a bunch of morons we are in this country. Every body keeps bitchin and complaining about how shitty Mr "Bush" is doing - i say screw it - IMPEACH his ass and fire all his damn cronies.

I don't know how giving all the rich people a tax break helps the poor. Oh, wait a minute. I get it. If all the rich people have more money to go shopping with it's job security for us minimum wage dumb asses.

I tried to fix my path. I figured I would try to change careers at 30 something and go from blue collar to white collar work. Boy was that a fuckin joke. That dumb ass we call a president (by the way - I can bitch because i didnt vote for his republican steal from the poor ass) thinks its funny to give tax breaks to corporations who send thier labor over seas.

So now I have a degree but no way to pay for the student loan because all the jobs are in FUCKING INDIA. It's a good thing I'll never have a chance to meet Mr Bush or I'll probably end up in jail - I mean - somebody has to slap that asshole in the face and tell him what a bastard he is.

Well anyway, why I sit here and wait for my disability to get approved - If you have a couple bucks to spare so I can keep my electricity on - send it to via paypal.

Joe - the broke carpenter

Sunday, February 26, 2006

A little piece of sanity

Well, we finally got back on track a little bit at least. We managed to find a subsidized apartment. It took forever to get the paper work done and we spent alot or our tax return on hotels. But we managed to keep the kids in school at least.

We are moved in at least and don't have to worry to much about the rent. The electric company were cut-throat bastards though and they managed to take our last $400 bucks just to get the power on.

We found a free 89 ford taurus, but it needs a battery and alternator and we still need to get my wifes drivers license and insurance - how we are going to accomplish that with no money will be interesting.

At least the kids are warm and dry, and we have a phone again. Hopefuly my wife can find some job that is not too hard on her fibromyalgia. In the meantime, all I can do is wait for my disability to come through. I managed to get my request for reconsideration in on time, hopefuly the process won't take to much longer.

Well, Just thought i would give everyone a quick update. Hopefully the stress level can stay at a minimum for a little while and we can gather our thoughts enough to get our lives back in some kind of order.

If you could help us get our transportation problems in order - send us a paypal donation to

Thanks - the broken carpenter

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Living in a hotel. Thank God for churches or we would be totaly homeless. Managed to beg for one more weeks worth of money from another church. We found an opening in a subsidy apartment but we need to get all the paperwork done to get in.

My wife found a job and got hired, but her actually being able to keep the job with her fibromyalgia will be interesting. But we had to have proof of income to get the apartment for now.

The ex-husb never sent the 2K he was behind for the year so he probably went to jail for 6mos. That means that our monthly $400 income just disappeared as well. I got my second denial for disability benefits so now I have to find a lawyer. I hear that once a person gets a disability lawyer they have it made - it is just a matter of making it until the hearing.

If anybody can send us an extra buck or two - send it to via paypal.

Thats all for now - thanks
joe the broke carpenter.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Finally There

Yesterday was the last day in our house. A bunch of people from church came to help us get everything into storage.

We are living in a hotel now - until next monday the 15th anyway.

If something doesnt happen between now and then we will be 100% homeless.

If only the damn disability process went a little faster.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Last Night Here

This is our last night at this house. We have everything packed and ready to go, so first thing in the morning we have to find a storage shed to put everything in. We at least know that we have secured a hotel for 1 week so that took a little burden off our shoulders.

Our new found inventor friend took us to dinner and we talked about some business and manufacturing ideas. What a crazy day. I'm one nights sleep away from being homeless and I end up talking about business ventures over dinner, thats truly funny. At least we got to take a break from the hustle bustle of packing.

Well, it will probably be a while before I get to post again so everybody pray that we make it through the next week and find some real income to find a permanent place to live.

joe - the broke carpenter

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The End

We faught like hell, but it wasnt good enough. Everything is in boxes ready to go. We have until Monday at 12:00(noon) to have everything out of the house.

Every plan we could come up with fell through. We won our lawsuit against old landlords for $800 and the wifes ex owes her $2100 by Jan20th or he gets sent to jail.

So, thats $2900 we have coming but it just wont be here soon enough - just figures. My wife just got a call about a job she put her resume in for but now we have to be out of this house and wont have access to our phone# so even if she did get the "Your Hired" phone call we dont have anyway to know.

This really sucks - I've been waiting forever for my disability claim but that antiquated system may as well be running on square wheels.

All I ever wanted out of life was to be a good carpenter, but my back went to hell and I just cant work anymore, what the hell does a person do while they wait for disability benefits?

Went to have coffee with a friend of ours today and ran into this really cool old guy that has some really neat business ideas - hell I have some really cool business ideas but I have no time and no money. This old guy was really interested to know that I have some limited computer skills but once again, even a chance encounter with an opportunity to do something I have no time and no money to do anything.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Down to the Wire

Well, we got the official papers to be out by Mon Jan 9th or ELSE. That means anything left in the house is lost. My wifes ex still hasnt sent the $2100 he is behind and the other landlords havent sent us the $800 we won in court.

This is such a pain in the ass. All this money that other people owe us and we are still going get screwed in the end.

We do have some interesting news on the good side for once though. We found a job managing a hotel - two bedroom apartment included. We just have wait a couple days for the "Bonding" papers to go through. Yeah, we have all the time in the world. At least its one option.

My wife got a call about a job she applied for right before xmas, but with this situation we are in its hard to know whether or not she will be able to take it.

Just say a prayer that we get the hotel managment job, maybe if the landlord knows we have found a place to move we can get him to give us a couple more days to get everything moved.

Hopefully we will know more tommorow.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year 2006

Here we are at 2006 - the only year I've ever had to start by fighting an eviction right out of the gate.

I have been praying that one morning I wake up and put on my tool belt and start building houses again but to no avail - that prayer has not been answered yet. The good lord must have something else in mind for me.

I can only hope that being homeless isnt part of the plan.

Take care - if you can spare a buck or two make a donation - I even have a new advertising section on the right - send me your logo/image and a link and you boost your web-site PR with another link.

Thanks - Joe the broke carpenter